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For Professional People

Going from where you are to where you want to be

Remove the emotional triggers so you can THRIVE

Release grief, sadness, anger, regrets, fear, anxiety and more

I am a holistic, natural health practitioner of mind techniques that empower you to have better outcomes, increase your confidence, get rid of fears/phobias/habits and find relief of physical, mental and emotional pains and traumas.

45 years of research, training, personal and professional experiences help me help you to THRIVE!

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General Services

Relieve Stress, Worry and Anxiety

A lot of stress comes from a runaway imagination, yet that imagination can be used to relieve stress and anxiety. The worrying mind can be put to rest to focus on matters which will truly make a positive difference in your life. 

"I don't seem to worry anymore."


Calmly Face Medical or Dental Procedures

Are you anxious about an upcoming medical or dental procedures? Have you been diagnosed with a catastrophic illness? Your imagination can help you stay calm and face whatever is coming with more poise, increasing your chances at a better outcome.

"Just got home - piece of cake. I had no anxiety whatsoever."


Tap into the Power of Self-Healing and Let Go of "Old Pain"

You were born with the ability to heal. Direct your mind to fully utilize your innate healing power, and to let go of "old pain"- whether physical or emotional - which no longer serves any purpose. 

"Wall of stuffed and denied grief... gone..."


Increase Resilience, Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Worth

Whether you have to present yourself for an exam, an interview, need to speak in public, or compete in a sport, your trained mind will help you face challenges, fears and phobias with assurance and poise.

"Collapsed my fear of flying."


Bad Habits? Addictions?Easier to Stop Than You Think

Whether it's smoking, binging, or spending too much time in activities that are not conducive to health, wellness and success, direct your mind to rewire your brain and remove that habit which does not allow you to enjoy life fully.

My energy level has returned and I have lost 15 lbs."


Empowerment for Professionals

Medical Professionals

We need them. They save lives! They have a tough, often difficult and stressful job. They may not even take the time to take good care of their own health.

I've worked with medical doctors, nurse practitioners and nurses helping them with strategies, tips and techniques to quickly release stress, so it does not accumulate and wreak havoc in their health and life.

Click here for helpful strategies.

Psychologists and Therapists

Busy, busy, busy... With stress and anxiety at an all time high, they need to take care of themselves as well as their patients/clients.

I've worked with psychologists and therapist, helping them with often eclectic strategies and techniques that they have not had the opportunity or time to get into.

The world is changing fast... so are the techniques in neuro-science. They are quick and powerful!

For tips and techniques, click here.

Educators and Teachers

You are helping to shape the next generation and have a tough job. Classes are often overcrowded and kids are getting rowdier and more lost than ever. You can make a difference but only if you can keep yourself calm, strong and assertive. I've helped teachers with techniques to release stress quickly, techniques that they can teach to the children in their classroom, so they themselves can learn to manage stress and anger, before it explodes and ends in tragedy.

Care to learn strategies? Click here.

Empowerment for Families

Parents: Pregnant or Already With a Family

I home-birthed and home-schooled 7 children who are now grown, independent, healthy and successful. Parenting can be, or should I say is, challenging. Although I don't have all the answers, I may be able to offer guidance and suggestions along the way, whether you have questions or find yourself at the end of the proverbial rope, and ready to explode.

Let's have a quick chat, free and confidential. Click here.


Homeschooling was a great choice for our family. Not only will your children get a great education, they will also learn to think critically and creatively. Besides academics, it's important to teach your children techniques to deal with the inevitable challenges life will bring them. Give them tools to deal with anger management, trauma and pain (physical and emotional) relief, confidence build-up, grief processing, etc.

Would you like some ideas? 

Let's have a quick chat, free and confidential. Click here.

Healthy Seniors

At a certain point in our lives, it becomes a choice. How will I end up? In a wheelchair losing my memory, or healthy and happy moving on graciously with wisdom and poise? Up to around 40, things were going pretty well. Then the "get out of this planet" gene took over, and aches and pains started to appear. There are "tricks" to tell your system that, "No, I am not ready to check out yet, and I am going to remain healthy and well."

Want to talk about it? Click here.

Pain, Anxiety, Fears, Phobias and Habits

    Smoking, Binging or Other Habits You Would Like to Be Free Of?

    Instead of focusing on the habit, let's find out what the habit does for you. There is always a story... an unconscious story telling your mind about the benefits or the protection that it confers you. Let's dialogue with that part and find ways to be free of a habit that might be detrimental to your health and wellness.

    Click here to schedule a free and confidential chat.

    Do You Suffer from Fears, Phobias and/or Anxiety?

    Just imagine how you would feel if you could face dental or medical procedures calmly and in a relaxed way? It may also potentially lead to a better outcome and quicker recovery.

    Thanks to your powerful mind and imagination, one guided session is usually enough to get you to experience calm and relaxation.

    Want to know more? Click here for a quick chat.

    Be Prepared for Dental Work, Medical Tests or Surgery

    Just imagine how you would feel if you could face dental or medical procedures calmly and in a relaxed way? It may also potentially lead to a better outcome and quicker recovery.

    Thanks to your powerful mind and imagination, one guided session is usually enough to get you to experience calm and relaxation.

    Want to know more? Click here for a quick chat.

    Get Rid of "Old Pain"

    We experience 2 types of pain: the first one means "Get Help NOW!" It's acute and needs to be taken care of. The other is the one that lingers, because it wants to protect you from being injured again. It's not cool, but it believes it's doing you a service. That second type of pain can be eliminated.

    Want to know more? 

    Click here for a quick chat.

Post Traumatic Stress and Legal Abuse

Trauma: PTSD and C-PTSD

PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or C-PTSD-Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is NOT truly a disorder; it is more like an injury or a short-circuit in the brain. It is a normal reaction to an abnormal event, often when we feel helpless and hopeless in a situation. Whether it is from child abuse, ritual abuse, domestic violence or coming back from war zones, there truly is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, where the nightmares, the flashbacks, the emotional overwhelm can diminish then vanish.

From personal experience, I can attest that finding joy, meaning and fulfilment can become a reality.

Let's talk about your situation to see if I can be of service. 

Click here.

Legal Abuse Syndrome

LAS is a term coined by the late Karen Huffer, forensic psychologist. During her 30+ years as a Marriage and Family Therapist, she noticed that extreme stress caused by our adversarial courts of law exacerbates health problems and can cause PTSD and anxiety disorders, even preventing people from benefitting from therapy.

As a victim and survivor of LAS, I will be happy to talk with you about how you also can come out sane and victorious. Click here!

Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD - Mindset Mentor